Just a quick thought for today.
I saw a meme yesterday that said "All I want is a cabin in the middle of nowhere. With wifi."
I've often had that thought. Sometimes life gets to be too much . . . so much noise and stress and aggravation and obligations and general racket.
I would love to live the simple life in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere (but not so simple that it didn't have indoor plumbing), off the grid (but with electricity/internet access), growing my own food (if only I had a clue how to keep a garden alive and wasn’t too lazy to go out in the heat to harvest).
I could so do that.
Although yesterday a spider crawled across my pajama pants while I was reading and I levitated off the chair screaming, knocking my book, laptop and grandson flying . . . and tonight when I took the dogs out I heard a commotion and saw the pasty, pointy face of a possum on the fence, just staring right at me with its beady, glowing, scary eyes. I think my threshold for nature might be too low for log cabin living.
I saw a meme yesterday that said "All I want is a cabin in the middle of nowhere. With wifi."
I've often had that thought. Sometimes life gets to be too much . . . so much noise and stress and aggravation and obligations and general racket.
I would love to live the simple life in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere (but not so simple that it didn't have indoor plumbing), off the grid (but with electricity/internet access), growing my own food (if only I had a clue how to keep a garden alive and wasn’t too lazy to go out in the heat to harvest).
I could so do that.
Although yesterday a spider crawled across my pajama pants while I was reading and I levitated off the chair screaming, knocking my book, laptop and grandson flying . . . and tonight when I took the dogs out I heard a commotion and saw the pasty, pointy face of a possum on the fence, just staring right at me with its beady, glowing, scary eyes. I think my threshold for nature might be too low for log cabin living.